The design of the Traverser-E2 takes many of the features of the Traverser2 and packages them in a cost effective traverser for basic applications
The Traverser-E2 utilises traverser concepts to provide an efficient means of making quality samples or as a low cost traverser for simple applications. No software is required for the simple setup, stroke length is adjustable by potentiometer, acceleration and speed are fixed. One print go signal is issued per stroke on the outward stroke, multiple messages can be produced by repeating the message on the printer. Cycle start is via contact closure from host machine or footswitch or alternatively a NPN sensor
Traverser-E2 is compatible with all A-Series inkjets, including the latest Ax, and G-Series i-tech and Gx models
Traverser-E2 is available with either 80mm, 150mm, 300mm or 500mm maximum stroke as standard. Custom stroke lengths are possible for applications that demand them.
The Traverser-E2 utilises traverser concepts to provide an efficient means of making quality samples or as a low cost traverser for simple applications. No software is required for the simple setup, stroke length is adjustable by potentiometer, acceleration and speed are fixed. One print go signal is issued per stroke on the outward stroke, multiple messages can be produced by repeating the message on the printer. Cycle start is via contact closure from host machine or footswitch or alternatively a NPN sensor
Traverser-E2 is compatible with all A-Series inkjets, including the latest Ax, and G-Series i-tech and Gx models
Traverser-E2 is available with either 80mm, 150mm, 300mm or 500mm maximum stroke as standard. Custom stroke lengths are possible for applications that demand them.
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© 2024, Robotic Systems Scotland Ltd, T/A Scottish Robotic Systems
Registered in Scotland, Registered No SC261245
VAT No: GB 415 3631 75